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Learn more. Motorola states its budget case for with the Motorola Moto G6. It's not a wow-bang type handset, but it is a quiet, solid and reliable performer.
Ordinary performance Thin fingerprint sensor can be hard to hit No water resistance. Display Size. Pixels per inch PPI. Rear camera megapixels. Rear camera aperture size. Front camera megapixels. Front camera aperture size. Physical Dimensions.
Network category speed. Power, storage and battery.
External storage support. Device features. Headphone jack. Fingerprint sensor. Water resistance rating. Alex Kidman twitter facebook. Where to buy. What's in this review?
Adds display All glass design looks great but smudges easily Small fingerprint sensor. Read our full review of the Motorola Moto G6's design. Back to top.
Dual lens, but second lens only adds depth effect Average mid-range performer. See sample photos and read our full review of the Motorola Moto G6's camera. Average mid-range performance Simple actions work well Lacks water resistance. View test results and read our full review of the Motorola Moto G6's performance.
Again, that's quite a regular recipe for a smartphone, and it's not surprising that the Moto G6 performs adequately for a phone in its price range without being exceptional It's much the same story in the graphics arena, where the Moto G6 isn't all that flashy at all: Motorola hasn't gone down the Android One path for its Australian handsets just yet, which means you don't quite get those upgrade advantages, but you do get a range of smart Motorola software enhancements.
USB C charging Good battery life from a low-end processor. View test results and read our full review of the Motorola Moto G6's battery life. Its mAh battery lasted through Geekbench 4's battery test very well indeed: The Motorola Moto G6's battery isn't working all that hard during Geekbench 4's linear battery test, but its actual stamina is quite remarkable, joining only a very few handsets overall to record more than minutes of running time in that test. The good news extends out to daily use, where two-day battery life is achievable.
Read our full Motorola Moto G6 verdict. Latest Motorola Moto G6 news Motorola's One Macro phone tries something genuinely different with a focus on macro photography. Ask an expert To ask a question simply log in via your email or Facebook or create an account. Main article: Moto G.
Main article: Motorola Moto E. Main article: Nexus 6. Main article: Droid Turbo. Main articles: Moto Z and Moto Mods. Main article: Moto X4. Main article: Motorola Razr Main article: Motoactv. Main article: Moto Retrieved 28 January Retrieved Motorola Mobility.
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